Woman & Nature

Woman & Nature

"Woman & Nature" collection explores organic expressions of feminine symmetry. The medium of textiles embodies aspects of delicacy and strength as uniquely feminine qualities. Silk is a central theme in particular as silk itself is a vastly complicated medium with symmetrical qualities of strength and delicacy, challenging notions that these qualities run inverse to one another in the natural world. While silk is the softest of materials and is generally thought of as delicate, it's natural strength exceeds that of steel. Nature produces silk as tools: of hunting in the case of the spider; as a means of protection in the case of the silkworm. The resulting fabric displays unique experiential qualities of dynamic spectral shift of colors due to its symmetrical qualities of strength and delicacy. Using acrylic for background develops the contrast between foregrounds as a static base by which these qualities emerge--a temporal aspect that must be contemplated repeatedly to appreciate. This invites viewing and reviewing as a continual process. The work must be viewed several times at various scales and distances to be appreciated.
This medium is selected as the means by which a bold and challenging subject matter is explored and the viewer is invited to share in this exploration, revealing both the viewer and viewed as subject matter. Our failure as a society to appreciate this radical symmetry between the strength of the feminine and the delicacy of the feminine is our failure to self-understand and to understand the natural world's true sophistication. Woman’s form is explored as a force that is able to erupt out of the darkness as subtle, but powerful enough to transform herself and her environment simply through examining her symmetrical powers of strength and delicacy. It is the Lioness who hunts! The most delicate web is deadly to the fly!

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